Water Positive - Join Us

In 2023, the Water Positive Think Tank (WPTT) was founded to address the urgent global water crisis by bringing together over a hundred professionals during its first 6 months of existence, growing rapidly from diverse disciplines and backgrounds. Recognizing the critical need for action, WPTT creates a collaborative, inclusive, and scientifically driven space to think, analyze, and share knowledge about water stewardship.


We welcome professionals from all sectors who are passionate about water sustainability. Our network offers a unique interdisciplinary and inclusive space, fostering long-term collaborations, creative problem-solving, and professional support. By joining us, members can engage in meaningful work that transcends traditional boundaries and contributes to achieving global water resilience.


Starting July 1, 2024, WPTT registrations will be available online to streamline our operations, with two options: Supporter and Member. Both roles are crucial to our objectives. We want as many people as possible to join our Think Tank, either as Supporters or Members. Greater participation translates into more support, which means a greater impact and global relevance.


Join us in our mission to create a sustainable future with abundant and accessible water for all. Your involvement is vital to our success and to making a significant positive impact on global water resources.




Those who sign up as Supporters will provide backing for our initiatives without needing to take on specific responsibilities. It is a way to formalize their support and contribute to our mission without additional commitments. Your support matters!





Members commit to performing one or more specific tasks and have voting rights on the operational issues of all working groups. This commitment includes actively participating in project execution and contributing to decision-making. We are organized into five groups: Communication, Legal and Regulatory Affairs, Water Positive Framework, Governance, and Strategic Partnerships. Each group is led by rotating leaders who propose tasks aligned with the group’s objectives.

New members commit to offering at least one hour of volunteer work per month in the group they join. This may include tasks such as collaborating in the framework development, commenting on social networks, doing translations, managing advertising in magazines, including related content in notes, representing the Think Tank at events, and other communication-related activities. The leaders of each group will offer specific tasks, and members can volunteer to perform them.

WPTT Members can add their start of activities on LinkedIn from the date they receive their accreditation confirmation. This will also be explained in the Welcome Meeting.


We invite all those interested in supporting the Water Positive Think Tank Initiative to complete the questionnaire and join our community. Together, we can make a significant difference in the promotion and development of positive water solutions.