Technology and strategy for a positive water balance
Technology and strategy for a positive water balance
Water Positive Think Tank
The Water Positive Think Tank (WPTT) is a group of water professionals from around the world working for a different associations representing different regions of the world, with the mission to develop and maintain an up-to-date framework for offsetting water footprints between parties: the company generating the water footprint or the Future Water Positive company and the Water Positive company which, through multi-barrier purification processes, transforms non-potable water into freshwater.
Collaborate with the UN CEO Water Mandate to promote this Water Positive initiative.
Offer collaboration to organizations advancing the initiative such as AWS, WWF, WFI, etc.
Maintain and update the framework annually
Serve as a neutral party for transactions when necessary.
Disseminate updates to all organizations worldwide related to the water purification market
Disseminate updates to organizations promoting other forms of being Water Positive
Send updates to companies committed to becoming Water Positive
Train consulting firms to accelerate market growth
Educate universities, graduate programs, and schools on the initiative
Reach out to organizations, scientist or influencers that promote groundwater recharge, wetland restoration, and replenishment of natural water reservoirs
Governance Structure 2024-2026
During the Q3 2024 meeting of the Water Positive Think Tank, the governance structure for the 2024-2026 term was confirmed. The roles were distributed as follows